Conditions Treated By KOSA Acupuncture Tulsa OK

At our practice, we treat a wide range of conditions, as outlined in the table below. However, our expertise extends beyond these listings, as we are dedicated to addressing all conditions that our patients may present with. Importantly, we adopt a comprehensive approach by treating all conditions simultaneously, recognizing that each may exhibit varying rates of improvement.

Did you know that we also provide treatment for children?
Children possess a remarkable self-healing system, and our gentle approach ensures their comfort and well-being throughout the healing process.

It’s essential to understand that the presence of a specific condition name does not guarantee a cure in conventional medicine. In fact, many disorders exist without formal diagnoses. Nevertheless, our practice has successfully treated numerous conditions, including those without prior experience, with an outstanding success rate approaching 100%.

Therefore, regardless of whether your condition is listed in the table below, rest assured that our comprehensive approach offers a high likelihood of success in alleviating your symptoms and promoting overall well-being.


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KOSA Acupuncture catches all the birds with a stone.


  • Acute or Chronic,
  • Injury or Disorder,
  • Physical, Emotional, Psychological, Mental or Intellectual,
  • Simple or Complicated,
  • Easy or Challenging,
  • Single or Multiple

All At Once.


The presence of disease signals an imbalance within one or more organs of the body.

Given that a single unhealthy organ can manifest numerous symptoms and conditions, it is imperative to address all aspects of the patient’s health simultaneously.

At KOSA Acupuncture Jenks OK, we pride ourselves on being the only acupuncture practice in the world that adopts a holistic approach, treating all conditions comprehensively. This includes addressing conditions that patients may not have initially reported to us.

It’s essential to recognize that each condition may exhibit varying rates of improvement. Nonetheless, our commitment remains unwavering in facilitating the restoration of balance and vitality to every aspect of our patients’ health.


Abdominal crampsAchalasia (Achalasia cardia)Achilles tendinitis, Acid reflux,  Acne,  Acute unilateral peripheral vestibulopathy (AUPV),  ADD,  Addison’s disease,  ADHD,  Adrenal exhaustion symptoms,  Age-related macular degenerationAgeusia,  Agina pectoris,  Akinesia,  Akinetopsia,  Allergy,  ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis)Alopecia areataAlpha-gal syndrome (AGS, Alpha-gal allergy),   Alzheimer’s diseaseAMD,   Amenorrhea,  Amoebiasis,  Anal fissures,  Anemia,  Angina,  Ankle joint effusion (Ankle synovitis),  Ankylosing Spondylitis,  Angioedema,  Anorexia nervosa (Anorexia),  Anthrax,  Antiphospholipid syndrome (APS),  Anxiety disorders, Aphagia,  Aphasia,  Aplastic anemiaAPDArrhythmiaArthritis, ASDAsperger’s syndromeAsthmaAstigtimatism,  Ashy skin,  Ataxia,  Atopic dermatitis,  Atopy,  Attention deficit disorder (ADD)Attention deficit hyperactive disorder,  Attention difficulties,  Auditory processing disorder (APD),  Aural Vertigo,  Autism,  Autism spectrum disorder,  Auto accident (Car accident),  Autoimmune disease,  Autoimmune interstitial lung disease,  Autoimmune thyroiditisAutoimmune vasculitisAutonomic dysfunction,


Back pain,  Bacterial vaginosis (BV),  Baker’s cyst,  Balance disordersBalance problems,  Barrett’s disease,  Barrett’s Esophagus,  Basedow’s disease,  Bedwetting in children (Bedwetting in teens,  Bed-wetting),  Behçet’s disease (Behcet’s disease, Behcet’s syndrome),  Bell’s palsy,  Bilateral Vocal Cord Paralysis (BVCP), Benign prostatic hyperplasia,  Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV),  Biliary tract,  Bipolar disorder,  Bladder control,  Bladder spasms,  Blepharoptosis,  Blocked fallopian tubes,  Blood clotsBlurred visionBone spur,  Botulism,  Bradykinesia,  BradycardiaBrain fog, BronchiectasisBronchitis,  Bronchospasm,  Bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD),  Bruxism,  Buerger’s disease,  Bunion pain,  Burnout,  Bursitis hip pain,


Candidiasis, Canker sores,  CAPD,  Car sickness,  Cardiomyopathy,  Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS),  Carbapenem-resistant enterobacteriaceae (CRE),  Cartilage worn out (Cartilage torn, Cartilage worn away),  Cauda equina syndrome,  Celiac diseaseCeltic hand (Dupuytren’s contracture)Central auditory processing disorderCentral pain syndrome,  Cerebrovascular accident,  Cervical radiculopathy (Pinched nerve),  Cervical spondylosisCervicalgiaChalazion,  Charley horses,  Charcot marie tooth disease (CMT),  Chemotherapy-related side effects (including nausea),  Chickenpox,  Chikungunya,  Chiari malformation,  Child bedwetting Cholecystectomy​ (​Gallbladder Removal​) aftermathCholecystitis,  Cholera,  Cholinergic urticaria,  Chorea, Chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy, Chronic lethargyChronic lymphocytic thyroiditis,  Chronic pelvic inflammatory disease (PID),  Chyluria (Chylous urine),  CIDP,  CIRS (Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome),  Claustrophobia,  Clogged ears,  Cluster headaches,  Coeliac disease,  Cold,  ColitisCommon Variable Immunodeficiency (CVID),  Compartment syndrome,  Complex regional pain syndromeComplications after surgeryCOMT mutationConcussionCongestion in ears,  Conjunctivitis,  Constipation,  Conversion disorder,  Cough,  Costochondritis,  Crohn’s diseaseCRPS (Complex regional pain syndrome),  Curb killer immune reactions,  Cushing’s syndrome,  Cutis elasticCyclic vomiting syndrome (CVS)Cystic fibrosis (CF or Mucoviscidosis),  Cystitis,



Face blindness,  Facial paralysis,  Facial tics,  Fallopian tubal abnormalities,  Fallopian tubal damage,  Fallopian tubal disorders,  Fallopian tube obstruction,  Fasciculation, Fatal familial insomnia (FFI)Fatigue Fecal incontinenceFibroidsFibroadenomaFibromyalgia (Fibro, FM or FMS)Flat feetFloatersFood allergy (Food allergies)Food cravings,  Foot drop,  Foot painFrequent urination,  Functional abdominal pain,  Functional dyspepsia,  Fungus on nails,



Hand pain,  Hair lossHashimoto’s disease (Hashimoto disease, Hashimoto syndrome, or Hashimoto’s thyroiditis)Headaches,  Head and neck pain,  Head injury (head injuries),  Hearing Impairment (Hearing loss)HeartburnHeel spurs,  Helicobacter Pylori,  Hemifacial spasm (HFS, Tic convulsif)Hemorrhoids, Henoch-Schönlein Purpura (HSP),  Hepatitis,  Hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy (HMSN),  Hernia,  Herniated discs,  Herpes,  Herpes simplex,  Hiatal hernia (Hiatus hernia),  Hiccup,  High Blood PressureHigh CholesterolHip pain,  Histamine Intolerance,  HistoplasmosisHivesHorner’s syndrome (Horner syndrome),  Human papillomavirus (HPV),  Hoarse voice,  Huntington’s disease,  Hydrocephalus,  Hydrosalpinx,  Hyperhidrosis,  Hyperprolactinaemia,  HypertensionHyperthyroidismHypogeusia,  Hypogonadism,  Hypokinesia,  Hypopigmentation (Hypo pigmentation),  Hypothyroidism,



Idiopathic disease,  Idiopathic inflammatory myopathy,  Idiopathic myopathy,  Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF), Ileocecal valve dysfunction (Ileocecal valve syndrome),  Iliotibial band syndrome,  Impaired smell,  Impotence,  Inappetence,  Inclusion body myositis (IBM)Indigestion,  Infertility,  Infections (Bones, Ears, Eyes, Joints & Skin),  Infectious arthritis, Infectious mononucleosis (Kissing disease, Mono)Inguinal herniaInjuries (Injury – Auto, Car, Sports & Work),  Inguinal hernia,  Insomnia,  Intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD),  Internal shingles,  Intercostal Neuralgia,  Internal vibration,  Interstitial cystitis (bladder pain syndrome or BPS),  Interstitial lung disease (Interstitial lung disease secondary to autoimmune diseases),  Interstitial pneumonia with autoimmune features,  Intramural fibroids, Irregular heartbeatIrritabilityIrritable bowel syndrome (IBS or spastic colon)Irregular period,  Isthmic Spondylolisthesis,  Itching,


Kaleidoscope vision,  Keloid,  Kidney disease (kidney failure or renal failure),  Kidney stoneKikuchi Fujimoto disease (KFD)Kissing disease, (Infectious mononucleosis, Mono)Knee pain,  Kyphosis,


Lazy eyes, Leaky gut,  Learning DisabilityLeber hereditary optic neuropathy (LHON),  Leg cramps,  Lennox-gastaut syndrome (LGS),  Lethargy,  Leukorrhea,  Levator Ani Syndrome (Levator syndrome)Lipedema,  Lou Gehrig’s disease,  Low energyLow back pain (Lower back pain),  Loss of balance,  Loss of smell,  Loss of taste,  Lost sense of taste,  Lowe syndrome (LS),  LumbagoLumbago sciatica (Lumbago with sciatica)Lumbar spinal stenosisLupus (systemic lupus erythematosus or SLE)Lyme disease (Lyme borreliosis),  Lymphedema (Lymphoedema, Lymphatic Obstruction),  Lymphedema side effects,


Macular degenerationMale breastMammalian meat allergy (MMA),  Marfans syndrome,  Mast cell activation disorder (Mast cell activation syndrome, MCAS)Mastitis,  MD,  Measles,  Melasma,  Meniere’s diseaseMenopauseMeniscus tearMenstrual cramps (Menstrual pains)Mental,  MERS (Middle East respiratory syndrome),  Mesenteric adenitis,  Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus,  Methylene tetrahydrofolate reductase mutation,  MigraineMixed connective tissue disease (MCTD),  Mitral valve prolapse syndrome (MVP),  Mono (Infectious mononucleosis, Kissing disease)Moodiness,  Morbid obesity,  Morbus Dupuytren (Dupuytren’s contracture)Morgellons disease,  Morning sickness,  Morton’s neuroma,  Motion sickness,  MRSA,  MTHFR mutation (Methylene tetrahydrofolate reductase)Multiple sclerosis (MS),  Mumps,  Muscle crampingMyasthenia gravis,  Myositis ossificans,  Myositis ossificans circumscripta,  myositis ossificans progressiva,


NarcolepsyNauseaNeck pain (Neck stiffness),  Necrotizing fasciitis,  Nennox gastaut syndrome,  Neuralgia,  Neurocardiogenic syncope,  Nocturnal arterial hypotension,  Neurogenic orthostatic hypotension,  Neurogenic stuttering,  Neurological conditions (Neurological diseases,  Neurological disorders,  Neurological symptoms),  Night-blindnessNight sweatsNighttime incontinenceNocturnal enuresis (Bedwetting),  Nosebleed (Epistaxis),  Numbness in general,  Nutcracker syndrome,  Nyctalopia (Night-blindness)Nystagmus,


OAB (Overactive bladder),  Obesity (Overweight, Weight loss),  Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD),  ObesityOccipital neuralgiaOcular Histoplasmosis Syndrome (OHS),  Ocular migraine,  Oculo-cerebro-renal syndrome of Lowe (OCRL)  Optic neuritis,  Oral candidiasisOral thrush,  Organic dyspepsia,  Orthostatic hypotension,  Orthostatic tremor,  Oscillopsia,  Osteoarthritis,  Osteomyelitis,  Osteopenia,  Osteoporosis,  Otitis media,  Ovarian cyst,  Overweight,



Paget’s disease,  Painful menstrual periodsPain (any kind)Pain in abdomenPains in anklesPain in armsPain in fingersPain in elbowsPain in handsPains in lower backPain in upper backPain in wrists,  Palinopsia,  Palmar fibromatosis (Dupuytren’s contracture)PalpitationsPanic disorder,  Paralyzed vocal cord,  Parkinson’s disease (Parkinsonian syndrome, Parkinsonism or PD)PCOS,  Pedunculated fibroids,   Pelvic floor muscle spasms (Pelvic floor spasms),  Pelvic inflammatory disease,  Pelvic organ prolapse (POP),  Penile CurvaturePerimenopause symptoms,  Peripheral neuropathy,  Peripheral vascular disease,  Pernicious anemia,  Peroneal neuropathy,  Peroneal muscular atrophy (PMA),  Pertussis,  Peyronie’s diseasePhlegmPhantom limb pain (Phantom limb syndrome, Phantom pain),  Phlegm production,  Phobia,  PID (chronic pelvic inflammatory disease),  Pinched nerve,  Piriformis syndrome,  Plantar fasciitis,  Plica syndrome,  Pleurisy,  Plugged ears,  PMDD,  PMS (Premenstrual syndrome)Pneumonia,  Polycystic kidney disease (PKD, PCKD or AKA Polycystic kidney syndrome),  Pollen allergyPolycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS),  Polycythemia,  Polymyositis,  Poor appetitePoor balancesPoor digestionPoor digestive healthPoor quality sleep,  Popliteal cyst,  Post Cancer,  Post Surgery Open Wound Scar,  Post viral fatigue syndrome,  Postoperative complications,   Posterior Tibial Tendon Dysfunction (PTTD),  Posterior vitreous detachment (PVD),  Postoperative complications of discectomyPostoperative complications of surgeries,  Postpartum depression,  Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD),  Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS),  Post-cholecystectomy syndrome (PCS)Post-treatment Lyme disease syndrome (PTLDS)Postherpetic neuralgia,  Post Hodgkin’s Lymphoma,  Premature ejaculation,  Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder,  Priapism (Prolonged erection),  Premenstrual syndromeProlapsed bladder,  Pronator syndrome,  Prosopagnosia,  Prostatitis,  PruritusPsoriasisPsoriatic arthritis,  Psychosis,  Ptosis (Ptosis of eyelid),  Pudendal nerve entrapment (PNE)Pudendal neuralgia (PN)Pulmonary emphysema, PVD,



Rapid eye movement (REM),  RashRaynaud’s disease (Raynaud’s phenomenon, Raynaud’s syndrome),  Reactive airway dysfunction,  Rectal prolapse,  Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD),  Reflux laryngitis,  Respiratory disorders,  Restless legs syndrome (RLS),  Reye syndrome,  Rheumatic disorder (Rheumatism),  Rheumatoid arthritis,  Rhinitis,  Rhinosinusitis,  Rickets,  Ringing in the ears (Ringing noise)Rhomboid muscle pain (Rhomboid pain)Rosacea,  RS,  Rotator cuff pain,


Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction,  Sacroiliitis,  Salivary gland disorders,  Sarcoidosis,  Sarcopenia,  SARS (Severe acute respiratory syndrome),  Scapula painSciatica,  Schizophrenia,  Scintillating scotoma,  SciaticaScleroderma (Systemic sclerosis)Scoliosis,  Segawa’s disease (Segawa’s dystonia, Segawa Syndrome), Seizures,  Selective hunger,  Sense of smell,  Sensoryneural hearing loss,  Sharp’s Syndrome,  Short bowel syndrome (SBS),  Shingles (Herpes zoster, zona)Shoulder painSIBO,  Side effects after an organ transplant,  Side effects of treatments on AIDS (HIV),  Post cancerChemotherapy, and/or Surgery,  Singultus,  Sinus (Headache, Infection or Pressure)SinusSinus infectionSinusitis,  SI Joint Pain,  Sjögren’s syndrome,  Skins (Ashy skin, Rough skin)Sleep disorder (Sleeping problems,  Sleeplessness),   Sleep apneaSleep deprivationSleep disorderSmall Intestinal Bacterial OvergrowthSmell disordersSnoringSore throatSpasm,  Spasticity,  Speech disorder,  Spermatocele,  Spinal cariesSpinal stenosisSplenomegaly,  Spontaneous cerebrospinal fluid leak syndrome (SCSFLS),  Sporadic inclusion body myositis (SIBM),  SS,  Steve Blass syndrome,  Stiff-limb Syndrome,  Stiff Person Syndrome (SPS)Stomach ache (Stomach pain)StomatitisStool color change,  Strep throat,  Stroboscopic vision,  StrokeStuffy ears,  Stuttering,  Subclinical varicocele (SCV),  Submucosal fibroids,  Subserosal fibroids,  SweatingSwellingStress,  Sympathetic Dystrophy Syndrome,  Synchronous diaphragmatic flutter (SDF),  Syndromes without a name (SWAN),  Systemic inflammatory rheumatic condition,  Systemic sclerosis,


Ulcerative colitis, Ulnar Nerve Entrapment,  Undifferentiated connective tissue disease (UCTD),  Unilateral vocal cord paralysis (UVCP),  Urgent urination,  Urinary incontinenceUrinary retentionUrgency to urinateUrinary tract Infections (UTI),  Urinary System,  Urticaria,  Uterine fibroids,  Uterine prolapse,  Uterus prolapse,


Vaginal bacteriosis,  Varicocele,  VertigoVestibular migraines,  Vestibular neuritis (VN),  Viking disease (Dupuytren’s contracture)VisionVitamin D deficiencyVitiligoVocal atrophy,  Vocal Cord Disorders (VCD), Vocal cord paralysis (VCP), Vocal cord paresis,  Vocal fold paralysis, Vulvodynia,


Weight loss,  Wilson’s disease,  Whooping Cough,  Worrying,



Yeasts,  Yips (golf, cricket, baseball, and other sports),



Testimonial On Panic Disorder, Anxiety, and Herniated Discs

Panic disorder, anxiety, herniated discs, and sciatica are all conditions that can be effectively addressed through proper treatment at once. It’s important to recognize that mental conditions reflect underlying issues within the body’s organs. By addressing these root problems, not only can physical pains be alleviated, but mental well-being can also be improved simultaneously. This holistic approach to treatment underscores the interconnectedness of physical and mental health, allowing for comprehensive care that targets both symptoms and underlying causes.

Testimonial On Lymphedema After Breast Cancer Treatment

This testimonial serves as a testament to the accuracy of our health understanding and highlights the remarkable self-healing system within our bodies.

Transformative Holistic Healing with Master Kim

Embark on a journey of holistic healing with Master Kim at KOSA Acupuncture, where comfort, care, and profound results converge.
One patient shares her experience of seeking relief for menstrual irregularities and acne, only to discover unexpected benefits that go beyond expectations.

Overcoming Hypothyroidism And Associated Symptoms

We share a powerful journey of overcoming hypothyroidism, featuring a patient who courageously faced and conquered various symptoms.

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