Everything About Food And Health by KOSA Acupuncture

Food And Health – Everything To Know

Other Information



Pain Is Not Our Enemy But Our Guardian

Pain during exercise or physical activity can indicate the inability of organs to withstand the strain or recuperate.

Pain is your body’s way of telling you your organs need to stop and take a break from exercise.

Painkillers may temporarily increase mobility, but only at the risk of organ damage.

Aspirin is incapable of killing the flu virus; but it helps with pain and lowers fever, thus providing relief for the lungs, and in turn, healthy lungs will kill the flu virus.

Pains, discomforts, and other health concerns (inflammation, irritation, itching, tremors, tumors, lesions, etc.) are usually indications of hot organs.

Don’t: Yoga, stretching, physical therapy, massage therapy, hot pack, etc, which would raise the temperature. If you prefer to have them, stop immediately as soon as you feel relief.

Do: Cold pack (but if you feel discomfort, stop it immediately) and try to be a couch potato (don’t move, simply) as long as possible.



Diabetes Myths Debunked

Stool color

Cholesterol and Blood pressure

How To Quit Hypertension Medicine In A Few Minutes – Health Info #19 by KOSA Acupuncture

Hypertension Myths

How To Quit Cholesterol-lowering Medications (Statins) In A Few Minutes – Health Info #20 by KOSA Acupuncture

Cholesterol Myths Debunked

YouTube videos

Good Doctors and Bad Doctors

There are many good doctors and still, there are bad doctors at the same time.

Always try to get a 2nd opinion.

It is said that many doctors do not know much about nutrition.

Keep questioning why they tell you to do that. What is the science behind it? What are the side effects? What is NNT and NNH? What is the success rate? What are the side effects? What is my chance of getting the side effects?

Doctors sometimes do not tell you that other drugs you take may increase the chance of side effects.

Doctors do not know whether you will have side effects or not.

Doctors sometimes overlook their patients who have been experiencing the side effects unless they tell doctors them.

Some drugs have warning signs that you cannot take them when you have liver disease. The problem is that the liver is a so-called organ of silence and even with 95% of failure the patients do not notice any symptoms. Considering this, how can you think you don’t have liver disease?

Number Needed to Harm: Treatments can hurt you

Being smart is not one of the qualifications to be a medical doctor. When you have a 2nd opinion, which is different than the 1st one, you are the person who needs to make a smart decision about which one is good for you. Again, keep questioning and questioning, and stay skeptical to protect and help you better. The fact that the 2nd opinion is the same as the 1st one does not necessarily mean that both of them are true.

Doctors Are The Third Leading Cause of Death in the US, Killing 225,000 People Every Year

Learn more: Healthcare Industry


When the 1988 U.S. outbreak happened, it was told that the Swine flu vaccine had a side effect rate is one out of a half million people.

However, there were two victims of the vaccine in Ridgecrest California with a population of less than 25,000 ended up having Guillain–Barré syndrome. The rate in that city was one out of 12,500, instead of 500,000, which is 40-fold.

A low chance of side effects does not guarantee that you won’t be a victim.

If you don’t feel good postponing the vaccine until you feel good and healthy would lower the chance of side effects.

Click for more: Vaccine – http://saahm.proboards.com/thread/327/vaccine

The Dark History of Vaccines

Certificate of Vaccine Exemption in Oklahoma

This can be downloaded at our website.

State School Immunization Requirements and Vaccine Exemption Laws – CDC

Understanding symptoms and root cause

Vitamin D deficiency (or Hypovitaminosis D) has symptoms related to the liver and/or kidney and this indicates that the liver and/or kidney are unhealthy.

Supplementing Vitamin D may be able to give relief to the liver and/or kidney and those organs may be able to be recovered. However, this treatment is usually not good enough to resolve the problem.

Once the responsible organs of the liver and/or kidneys are properly treated and those organs get healthy, Vitamin D deficiency (or Hypovitaminosis D) will be naturally treated.

Learn more: Relationship between symptom and treatment

DNA, Gene, and Family history

DNA keeps changing.
Learn more: DNA

Gene and/or Family history are not the only parameters that affect health. The acquired are far more important parameters than them.

Musical Cult Control by Rockefeller and Adolf Hitler – 440 Hz and 528 Hz

How to treat bunion at home


Coconut oil

Jim Humble’s MMS (Master Mineral Solution)


Harry Hoxey’s Bio-Medical Center

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Viotherapy, Riga virus, Rigvir

Baking soda and Molasses

To Stop

  • All foods from any animals, especially from cows, lambs, goats, and sheep
  • GMOs
  • Olive oil
  • Microwave machine
  • Bluetooth devices & 5G
  • Vitamin D
  • Exercises
  • Warm or hot pack
  • All medicines from conventional medicines
  • Cosmetic products
  • Fluorides
  • All other alternative medicines unless it is proven to be effective.
  • All vaccines

To Start

  • Magic tool
  • Keep the lower body warmer than the upper body, wear socks always, and no caps/hats unless it has a good air vent.
  • 528 Hz
  • Walking
  • Cold pack
  • Copper brace
  • Coconut oil
  • Baking soda
  • Omega 3 from perilla seed oil, chia seed oil, and hemp oil
  • Liquid ionic trace minerals
  • Hydrogen peroxide
  • Organic Liposomal Vitamin C
  • Dandelions
  • Salt – rock salt
  • Bellybutton Exercise
  • Korean Leeks (or Chives)
  • Intermittent fasting – Go to bed with the empty stomach
  • Half-bath or foot bath
    Foot Spa Bath Massager

Estimated Lifetime Gained With Cancer Screening Tests


Movies must watch

KOSA Acupuncture makes no medical claims, and its purpose is purely informative.
KOSA Acupuncture also does not intend to promote any particular cure, nor do they suggest that patients should eventually abandon their ongoing therapies in favor of any others.
KOSA Acupuncture also acknowledges that the information in this thread may not be accurate.

Important Notes


Our body’s self-healing power is very powerful.

It is the patient’s job to eliminate the root causes by following KOSA Acupuncture’s advice.

We walk patients through so that they can easily change their lifestyles so that they can minimize or eliminate the root causes.
This will expedite the patient’s healing progress by making responsible organs healthy, and healthy organs treat conditions.
It is our job to educate patients with true information and treat all responsible organs so that all the conditions can be treated at once.
Read More: Everything About Food And Health

Nevertheless, each condition would show different improvements in progress.

KOSA Acupuncture’s persistent goal is to lose patients ASAP.
Patients become so healthy that they don’t have to take drugs (or medicines) and see any medical practitioners anymore. We have successfully achieved this goal with a very high success rate.
Patients have nothing to lose other than pain, discomfort, drugs, and excessive weight.

Your body’s ability to heal is greater than anyone has permitted you to believe.

Listen to your body, which knows how to heal itself.

Numbers on the test cannot judge if you are a patient or not.

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