RigVir (Riga Virus) is the only virus that is beneficial to mankind, and the world’s first food supplement with a unique formula containing a live, adapted, non-pathogenic, and non-genetically modified virus.
- What is Rigvir SE?
- Effects
- Intake
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What is Rigvir SE?
Biologically active food supplement RIGVIR SE
- Effective way of enriching the diet and making the body more resistant to today’s greatest health challenge.
- Development is based on decades of scientific and clinical trials.
- Approved after having completed all necessary tests and studies.
- Third-party tested.
- Intake only once a month.
Rigvir SE
Rigvir SE contains Vitamin B2, whey protein isolate, and traces of a lyophilized non-genetically modified, and non-pathogenic ECHO-7 virus Rigvir.
Rigvir SE ingredients are included in a capsule with a special coating (hydroxypropyl methylcellulose) that allows it to cross the stomach and reach the intestine which is the most suitable environment for the ECHO-7 virus to provide its maximum benefit. The amount of ECHO-7 virus is multiple times smaller than the one used in the production of the Rigvir medicine.
Rigvir SE contains milk; and does not contain gluten, wheat, yeast, or soy.
It is important to observe the temperature regimen in the storage and during transportation of Rigvir SE.
Rigvir SE active ingredient ECHO-7 virus is internationally patented.
- The world’s first food supplement with a live harmless virus
- For people with an increased risk of developing cancer and with a weakened immune system
- Based on science, medicine, and long-term pre-clinical and clinical practice
Rigvir SE is recommended for people with a weakened immune system and with an increased risk of developing cancer.
Rigvir SE contains:
- Adapted non-genetically modified and non-pathogenic oncolytic ECHO-7 virus Rigvir – the same live virus as in the anti-cancer medicine Rigvir
- Vitamin B2 and whey protein isolate
Contains milk; does not contain gluten, wheat, yeast, or soy.
Rigvir SE ingredients are included in a special capsule that allows it to cross the stomach and reach the intestine, which is the most suitable environment for the ECHO-7 virus.
Rigvir SE active ingredient ECHO-7 virus is internationally patented.
International Virotherapy Center: https://www.virotherapy.com/
Note. Adapted ECHO-7 virus Rigvir in the form of injectable medicine was registered in 2004 and is still successfully used these days in the treatment of various cancer types and prevention of metastasis, as well as by people with increased cancer risks.
Rigvir SE has a dual effect: immunomodulatory, which induces the body’s immune defenses, and oncolytic, which affects cancer cells.
The initial immune effect can be detected 2-6 days after Rigvir SE intake by a complete blood count test. The immune effect manifests itself mostly as the increase of leukocyte, neutrophil, and lymphocyte count.
Over a longer period of time it is possible to detect a positive effect of the ECHO-7 virus on the CD4+ and CD8+ T cells, B lymphocytes, and Natural killer (NK) cells.
As we know, the immune cells play an essential role in the cellular and humoral anti-tumour immune responses in the fight against cancer, since immune cells can successfully suppress and even destroy cancer cells. This has also been observed during pre-clinical and clinical trials, when after the administration of the Rigvir virus a specific immune reaction is induced that results in lymphocytes forming large clusters around the tumor cells, thus restricting the tumor expansion.
Direct oncolytic effect towards cancer cells of the ECHO-7 virus lasts for approximately 7 days.
Subsequently, the virus is not detected in the body, including in the biological material excreted from the body, however, viral-induced antibodies can be detected for the next 3 weeks. Indirect effects may last for up to one month, based on the presence of antibodies.
Subjectively, the effect of Rigvir SE is practically imperceptible; in rare cases lymph nodes become sensitive. In cancer patients, there may be increased sensitivity in the tumor area. In some cases, bowel function improves, which may indicate a positive effect on the intestinal microbiome.
No side effects of Rigvir SE were observed during the studies or practical application.