Migraine and Various Pains Healing Journey with KOSA Acupuncture

Migraine and Various Pains Healing Journey with KOSA Acupuncture

Soldiers are treated like Guinea pigs in a lab by pharma. Many soldiers and veterans are unhealthy because of GMOs and vaccines, which damage the liver. KOSA Acupuncture has successfully treated pains and disorders due to unhealthy liver.
Veterans will soon get our treatment, which will be covered by the VA. KOSA Acupuncture is in the progress of getting affiliated with the VA.

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Veteran Patient Treatment

Veteran Patient Treatment Injured By RPG

My husband is a veteran who was injured by an RPG in Afghanistan in 2010. He has had chronic severe pain since.\
My husband was having horrible muscle spasms to where he could not walk.
I took him to the ER where they just gave him high doses of pain medicines, which brought zero relief.
The next day I watched my husband cry and moan with every move and was desperate to find him relief.
Master Kim saw my husband that day, I had to basically drag him on my back up the stairs to leave the house.
Master Kim spent 3 hours on him and I watched my husband go from crying to being relaxed within that 3 hours.
I am amazed at this man’s knowledge and skill.

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