Health Info by KOSA Acupuncture 10 - Is Water Safe To Drink?

Is Water Safe To Drink? – Health Info Video | KOSA Acupuncture

Is Water Safe To Drink?

Water has been more valuable than ever before and it will continuously be. Unfortunately, our drinking water seems to be getting worse or more unhealthy every day. KOSA Acupuncture in Tulsa Oklahoma provides information about drinking water.


  • Our fruits and veggies are sucking up microplastics through their roots
  • 50 Reasons to Oppose Fluoridation
  • Antibiotics Used For Growth In Food Animals Making Their Way Into Waterways
  • Chemtrails
  • Nestlé Makes Billions Bottling Water It Pays Nearly Nothing For
  • Nestlé pays $200 a year to bottle water near Flint – where water is undrinkable
  • Nestlé faces backlash over collecting water from drought-hit California
  • Bisphenol A (BPA) and Hand Sanitizer
  • ​​Seven reasons NOT to drink water ionizer HIGH alkaline water
  • Understanding and Managing Hard Water at Home: Health and Cleaning Considerations
  • A photo of water filter used for a year
  • Bottled water delivery company in DMV area
  • Drink water only when thirsty


June 26, 2020

Microplastics are contaminating the fruit and vegetables we eat, according to two separate scientific studies published this week.

According to the first peer-reviewed study by University of Catania scientist Margherita Ferrante, apples are the most contaminated fruit while carrots are the vegetables most affected. Published this week in the journal Environmental Research, the report calls for an urgent review of the effects of microplastics on human health.

Source: Plastic Soup

Our fruits and veggies are sucking up microplastics through their roots

Microplastics – tiny pieces of plastic less than 5 millimeters in length – can now be found throughout the ocean and all over protected national parks.
They’ve been found in our seafood, salt, and even beer.
Now, new research has shown that microplastics can penetrate the roots of crops, traveling up the plant into the parts we eat.

Source: FastCompany

50 Reasons to Oppose Fluoridation


Whether you like fluoride or not, tap water contains it.

Dr. Paul Connett says, “Fluoridation is a bad medical practice.” and describes 50 reasons to oppose fluoridation as below. Please be aware that these descriptions are just titles of them.

To summarize his understanding, fluoridation damages kidneys and liver.

1) Fluoride is the only chemical added to water for the purpose of medical treatment.
2) Fluoridation is unethical.
3) The dose cannot be controlled.
4) The fluoride goes to everyone regardless of age, health or vulnerability.
5) People now receive fluoride from many other sources besides water.
6) Fluoride is not an essential nutrient.
7) The level in mothers’ milk is very low.
8) Fluoride accumulates in the body.
9) No health agency in fluoridated countries is monitoring fluoride exposure or side effects.
10) There has never been a single randomized controlled trial to demonstrate fluoridation’s effectiveness or safety.
11) Benefit is topical not systemic.
12) Fluoridation is not necessary.
13) Fluoridation’s role in the decline of tooth decay is in serious doubt.
14) NIH-funded study on individual fluoride ingestion and tooth decay found no significant correlation.
15) Tooth decay is high in low-income communities that have been fluoridated for years.
16) Tooth decay does not go up when fluoridation is stopped.
17) Tooth decay was coming down before fluoridation started.
18) The studies that launched fluoridation were methodologically flawed.
19) Children are being over-exposed to fluoride.
20) The highest doses of fluoride are going to bottle-fed babies.
21) Dental fluorosis may be an indicator of wider systemic damage.
22) Fluoride may damage the brain.
23) Fluoride may lower IQ.
24) Fluoride may cause non-IQ neurotoxic effects.
25) Fluoride affects the pineal gland.
26) Fluoride affects thyroid function.
27) Fluoride causes arthritic symptoms.
28) Fluoride damages bone.
29) Fluoride may increase hip fractures in the elderly.
30) People with impaired kidney function are particularly vulnerable to bone damage.
31) Fluoride may cause bone cancer (osteosarcoma).
32) Proponents have failed to refute the Bassin-Osteosarcoma study.
33) Fluoride may cause reproductive problems.
34) Some individuals are highly sensitive to low levels of fluoride as shown by case studies and double blind studies.
35) Other subsets of population are more vulnerable to fluoride’s toxicity.
36) There is no margin of safety for several health effects.
37) Low-income families penalized by fluoridation.
38) Black and Hispanic children are more vulnerable to fluoride’s toxicity.
39) Minorities are not being warned about their vulnerabilities to fluoride.
40) Tooth decay reflects low-income not low-fluoride intake.
41) The chemicals used to fluoridate water are not pharmaceutical grade.
42) The silicon fluorides have not been tested comprehensively.
43) The silicon fluorides may increase lead uptake into children’s blood.
44) Fluoride may leach lead from pipes, brass fittings and soldered joints.
45) Key health studies have not been done.
46) Endorsements do not represent scientific evidence.
47) Review panels hand-picked to deliver a pro-fluoridation result.
48) Many scientists oppose fluoridation.
49) Proponents usually refuse to defend fluoridation in open debate.
50) Proponents use very dubious tactics to promote fluoridation.


Antibiotics Used For Growth In Food Animals Making Their Way Into Waterways

This is one of the reasons why we need to be a vegan.

A Colorado State University study is the first to show that antibiotic drugs used specifically for enhancing growth, preventing diseases and increasing feed efficiency in food animals, such as cattle, are making their way into public waterways.

All sorts of chemicals are showing up in the human water supply these days: antidepressant drugs, fire retardant chemicals, cancer-causing chemicals and now antibiotics used by the cattle industry.

Cattle ranchers generally don’t like to think about the environmental impact of their ranching practices, but as a society, we need to start looking more closely. You can’t dose tens of millions of cattle with antibiotic drugs and have a clean water supply, too. Especially if you live anywhere near Greeley, Colorado, the beef (and slaughterhouse) capital of the western world.

Read more: ScienceDaily


Chemtrail and Contrail

Chemtrails are sprayed from jet airplanes pretty much all around the world.

Even up to June 2019, there was a bunch of photos shows inside of jet airplanes with chemtrail tanks in it like below but most of them have vanished.


Google’s motto was “Don’t be evil”. Even though Google may still not be evil, obviously and apparently it has become a monster affected by politics and profits. Its search engine has always some sort of bias.

Searching with no bias can be done with DuckDuckGo.
Also, Google Chrome browser can be replaced with Opera and/or FireFox.

Independent analysis of chemtrail fallout has identified many toxic chemicals including;

Aluminum Oxide Particles, Arsenic, Bacilli and Molds, Barium Salts, Barium Titanates, Cadmium, Calcium, Chromium, Desiccated Human Red Blood Cells, Ethylene Dibromide, Enterobacter Cloacal, Enterobacteriaceae, Human white Blood Cells-A (restrictor enzyme used in research labs to snip and combine DNA), Lead, Mercury, Methyl Aluminum, Mold Spores, Mycoplasma, Nano-Aluminum-Coated Fiberglass, Nitrogen Trifluoride (Known as CHAFF), Nickel, Polymer Fibers, Pseudomonas Aeruginosa, Pseudomonas Florescens, Radioactive Cesium, Radio Active Thorium, Selenium, Serratia Marcscens, Sharp Titanium Shards, Silver, Streptomyces, Stronthium, Sub-Micron Particles (Containing Live Biological Matter), Unidentified Bacteria, Uranium, Yellow Fungal Mycotoxins – Source: StopSprayingCalifornia!

Rosalind Peterson Confirms Chemtrails/Geoengineering/SRM are Very real.
If you are still in doubt that them lines in the sky are contrails or that the milky haze which lingers all day is NOTHING TO WORRY ABOUT, then you are very mistaken.
This is PROOF 100% Real.
Please watch and share.

Learn more about chemtrails: ChemtrailsNews

Nestlé Makes Billions Bottling Water It Pays Nearly Nothing For

The company’s operation in Michigan reveals how it’s dominated the industry by going into economically depressed areas with lax water laws.
In rural Mecosta County, Mich., sits a near-windowless facility with a footprint about the size of Buckingham Palace. It’s just one of Nestlé’s roughly 100 bottled water factories in 34 countries around the world.
About 60 percent of the supply comes from Mecosta’s springs and arrives at the factory via a 12-mile pipeline. The rest is trucked in from neighboring Osceola County, about 40 miles north. “Daily, we’re looking at 3.5 million bottles potentially,” says Dave Sommer, the plant’s 41-year-old manager, shouting above the din.
Last year, U.S. bottled water sales reached $16 billion, up nearly 10 percent from 2015, according to Beverage Marketing Corp. They outpaced soda sales for the first time as drinkers continue to seek convenience and healthier options and worry about the safety of tap water after the high-profile contamination in Flint, Mich., about a two-hour drive from Mecosta. Nestlé alone sold $7.7 billion worth worldwide, with more than $343 million of it coming from Michigan, where the company bottles Ice Mountain Natural Spring Water and Pure Life, its purified water line.
But Nestlé pays little for the product it bottles—sometimes a municipal rate and other times just a nominal extraction fee. In Michigan, it’s $200.
In the U.S., Nestlé tends to set up shop in areas with weak water regulations or lobbies to enfeeble laws. States such as Maine and Texas operate under a remarkably lax rule from the 1800s called “absolute capture,” which lets landowners take all the groundwater they want. Michigan, New York, and other states have stricter laws, allowing “reasonable use,” which means property owners can extract water as long as it doesn’t unreasonably affect other wells or the aquifer system.
In San Bernardino, Calif., Nestlé has long paid the U.S. Forest Service an annual rate of $524 to extract about 30 million gallons, even during droughts.
Pepsi and Coca-Cola bottle municipal water from Detroit for their Aquafina and Dasani brands, respectively; they pay city rates, then sell the product back for profit. In Mecosta County, Nestlé sucks up spring water directly from the source, which water conservationists say does more damage to the flow of streams, rivers, and wetland ecology.

Source: Bloomberg Businessweek

Nestlé pays $200 a year to bottle water near Flint – where water is undrinkable

While Flint battles a water crisis, just two hours away the beverage giant pumps almost 100,000 times what an average Michigan resident uses into plastic bottles.

Read more: The Guardian

Nestlé faces backlash over collecting water from drought-hit California

“Every gallon of water that is taken out of a natural system for bottled water is a gallon of water that doesn’t flow down a stream, that doesn’t support a natural ecosystem,” said Peter Gleick, author of “Bottled and Sold.”

Nestlé has faced protests over its water collection in California because of the drought and the fact that this site is on public land.

While the company takes about 30 million gallons each year, they pay just $524 to the U.S. Forest Service for the permit.

“I think it’s fair to say that in this case our public agencies have dropped the ball,” Gleick said.

The Forest Service is now reviewing Nestle’s permit for the first time in 30 years. They declined our request for an interview.
Nelson Switzer is Nestle water’s chief sustainability officer.

When asked whether it’s fair that Nestle is making so much money off the water, Switzer said, “Nestle has water rights of course in this area. From a legal stand point, of course it’s fair, from a perception standpoint, I understand why people are asking that question. But water belongs to no one.”

Read more: CBS News

Bisphenol A (BPA) and Hand Sanitizer

In 2008, the possible health risks of Bisphenol A (BPA) — a common chemical in plastic — made headlines. Parents were alarmed, pediatricians flooded with questions, and stores quickly sold-out of BPA-free bottles and sippy cups.

As always the government organizations including the FDA and EPA have done favors corporations and industries over consumers, they didn’t do anything until they saw the red flag raised by advocates. This doesn’t seem to change soon.
Even though BPA may not impact human health immediately as it is not allowed to be used for the food packaging, it will eventually contaminate seabed and we will end up consuming it through fish. Yet the FDA, EPA and other government organizations don’t seem to be concerned.

BPA is a chemical that has been used to harden plastics and can cause serious health problems, especially when it is used to contain water and food.

Plastic bottles for the bottled water are single-use only and cannot be reused. Learn more about BPA from the below articles.

Nearly all U.S. dollar bills in circulation ‘have traces of toxic chemical on them’ – Daily Mail

Using hand sanitizer causes you to absorb 10,000% more emasculation chemicals that feminize men – NaturalNews

Death In A Bottle – Many People Not Aware That Bodico Hand Sanitizer Killing Them! – VIDEO – Health & Love Page

BPA and Hand Sanitizer: A Toxic Mix with Serious Health Risks? – Chris Kresser

​​Seven reasons NOT to drink water ionizer HIGH alkaline water

1. The first and most obvious red flag regarding the consumption of alkaline ionized water is its potential impact on digestion. If the digestive process begins in the stomach which is an extremely acidic environment, what is the impact of increasing the pH in the stomach by consuming alkaline water? Fifty percent of people over the age of 60 are hypochlorhydric. This means that they can no longer produce enough stomach acid for optimal digestion. For these individuals, the consumption of alkaline water presents a big problem. You might be surprised to discover how many people who begin to drink alkaline ionized water end up with digestive trouble—and they have no idea it results from the water.

2. The second reason is also obvious when you think about it. Water ionizers separate water into two streams. One contains acidic minerals: sulfur, phosphorus, iodine, chlorine, etc. This part of the water is usually discarded— it is not advocated for consumption. The other stream of water contains alkaline minerals: calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, etc. Take a look at the minerals in each list. Are they all necessary in the human body? Absolutely! Then ask yourself another question: Where in nature does water or food ever provide alkaline minerals without their acidic counterparts? Is just doesn’t happen, and no organism is designed to use one without the other. The chemistry of life is dependent on the balance between acids and bases (alkaline). One without the other for an extended period of time is an invitation for imbalance.

3. The third reason not to drink alkaline ionized water has to do with the molecular structure of water. Many of water’s unique qualities result from its ability to form hydrogen bonds. These weak electrostatic bonds link one water molecule to another to form a network of interconnected H2O molecules. Under normal circumstances this network is random. However, when water is placed in either an electric or a magnetic field, the molecules align to form a geometric pattern known as a liquid crystal. Liquid crystals possess many of the qualities of solid crystals including the ability to amplify and transfer signals. The consumption of water in this liquid crystalline state has numerous health benefits. Nature supplies weak electric (called piezoelectric) fields and magnetic fields that create this liquid crystalline phase of water. Those who sell ionizers would like you to believe that the strong electric current used during ionization produces this same kind of water. It does not. Strong electric currents (like those used during ionization) have a damaging effect on the electromagnetic field around water molecules. In essence, they electrocute the water and leave it without life force. Although electric currents do cause water molecules to align, the molecular organization falls apart rapidly as soon as the water leaves the electric field. Water that has been treated in this manner is not capable of carrying the finely-tuned signals and vibratory information that water is intended to carry within the human body.

4. During ionization, water molecules are split (ionized). Positively-charged ions (H+) are attracted to negatively-charged mineral ions (phosphorous, chlorine, sulfur, iodine etc.) to form a variety of acidic compounds in the acidic steam of water. Negatively-charged water ions (OH-) are attracted to positively-charged mineral ions (calcium, magnesium, potassium, etc) in the formation of numerous alkaline compounds in the alkaline stream of water. Depending on the minerals present in the original water, the alkaline compounds in the alkaline portion of the water may not be something you are interested in drinking. For example: the most common alkaline mineral compounds that form in alkaline ionized water are calcium hydroxide (lime), sodium hydroxide (lye), potassium hydroxide (caustic potash), and magnesium hydroxide (milk of magnesia—a laxative). Because of the strong electric forces used during ionization, the minerals, bound to hydroxide ions, are not available for use in the body. Most of them end up as arterial plaque or as mineral deposits in joints and other tissues.

5. One of the arguments in favor of alkaline water supposes that the consumption of alkaline water will negate the buildup of acids caused by our modern diet and lifestyle. There is no evidence to demonstrate this. It is a gross assumption to think that drinking alkaline water will alkalize tissues. The body is much more complex than this. If this were the case, then eating a lemon would contribute to acidosis. It does not. The lemon is considered to be one of the most alkalizing foods there is. While it has an acidic nature, it also releases alkaline minerals—in an organic form that the body can use. The pH of the human body is a complex and dynamic subject. While the blood requires a slightly alkaline pH, many organs and tissues require just the opposite. Research indicates that the environment inside the cell requires a slightly acidic pH—that alkalinity inside the cell causes cell death. Long-term consumption of alkaline water can actually contribute to acidosis. This is because acidosis is the body’s way to release hydrogen which becomes depleted with age and which it also requires to detoxify, to neutralize free radicals, and to fight disease. This is explained in much greater detail in the book Dancing with Water.

6. While alkaline ionized water has been in use in Japan for over 20 years, the effects of long-term consumption have yet to be studied. Early use in Japan was in clinical settings and the water was used in controlled amounts for short periods of time. There are no long-term studies to identify potential problems with either extended or exclusive use. In the absence of human studies, rats (with a shorter life span) can be studied more easily.

Three separate studies have shown that long-term consumption of alkaline ionized water produces cell death (necrosis) and fibrosis of the heart muscle in rats. Dr. Hidemitsu Hayashi, a cardiac surgeon and Director of the Water Institute in Japan, was one of the scientists who conducted early research on alkaline ionized water. His work determined that the benefits of alkaline ionized water were largely due to the hydrogen in the water which dissipates rapidly after production. Ultimately, he renounced the use of ionized water in favor of other methods to produce hydrogen-rich water.

7. One of the biggest arguments in favor of alkaline ionized water is that its strong electron potential neutralizes free radicals. While it is true that alkaline ionized water has a strong electrical potential (evidenced by negative ORP values), the water is very imbalanced. Consumption may initially reduce the free radical load but continued consumption and the aggressive neutralization of oxygen radicals upsets cellular redox balance—now shown to play a pivotal role in immune function and metabolic homeostasis. Oxygen radicals serve as signaling molecules. Medical research verifies that their absence is equally as harmful as their overabundance. The ongoing consumption of alkaline ionized water scavenges free radicals too aggressively and tips the balance in the opposite direction.

The easiest and the most economical way to change the pH level is to take baking soda.

A teaspoonful of baking soda mixed in a half glass of water (irrelevant to the water temperature) at least 30 min before a meal may help improve pH level. This can be done as frequently as needed unless there is no side effect of nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea.

Baking soda may also help acid reflux and pains like gout. It can also be done even before symptoms occur.

Understanding and Managing Hard Water at Home: Health and Cleaning Considerations

Many houses have hard water, and most homeowners may be generally unaware of its effects. Hard water is extremely common in the United States, present in as many as 85 percent of homes. There is a lot of variation for what hard water means for an individual home. Simply put, hard water indicates a range of possible minerals in the water in concentrations past a certain level.

Hard water may or may not be a problem, depending on the homeowner and the property’s residents. Hard water collects on any hard surface, leading to deposits on fixtures, cooking implements, countertops, sinks, and showers. The extent to which people want to deal with hard water relates to their budget, their tolerance for hard-water accumulations, and their general cleaning habits. This guide identifies what homeowners can expect from hard water in the home, with tips to manage it, if needed.

Read more: YourAtHomeTeam

A photo of water filter used for a year

Bottled water delivery company in the DMV area

​Costco delivers bottled water but using local small businesses would be helping the local economy.

The below company delivers bottled water in Maryland, Virginia, and Washington, DC area.

Find Mr. Richard Rutland and tell him that KOSA Acupuncture is referred and he might provide you with a discount.

Bottled Water Delivery in Maryland, Virginia & Washington, DC

Drink water only when thirsty

As described in the earlier post below, drinking more water than needed is understood as unhealthy.

According to KOSA Acupuncture’s theory, the more water you drink the sicker you will get.

Learn more: Health Info by KOSA Acupuncture 04 – Drinking Water

New Video Shows How Cows Are Tortured for Nestle’s Dairy Products – YOUTUBE deleted

Source: Kinder World

Your body’s ability to heal is greater than anyone has permitted you to believe.

Listen to your body, which knows how to heal itself.

Numbers on tests cannot judge if you are a patient or not.

KOSA Acupuncture, The Silver Bullet

Is Water Safe To Drink

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