Let The Food Be The Medicine – Hippocrates (460‐377 B.C.)
The first step for a healthy diet and food is, the people need to take is not to start something but to avoid causes.
Bear in mind that your body’s ability to heal is greater than anyone has permitted you to believe.
Curated Health Essentials By KOSA Acupuncture
Understanding Pains and Disorders
Pain Is Not Our Enemy But Our Guardian.
Inflammation, aches and pains, tumors, cancer, and even mental issues can be traced to “inflamed” (too hot) organs.
Thus, KOSA recommends that you eliminate the following from your lifestyle starting immediately (pending satisfactory improvement) until you are fully healthy.
All meats and dairy products from all kinds of animals including fish
Amazing Benefits of Vegan Diets
GMO (Genetically Modified Organisms)
The Birth Of GMOs – Bayer, Monsanto, Agent Orange, Glyphosate, and GMOs
GMO Crops, Animal Food, and Beyond – FDA
apple, alfalfa, canola, corn, cotton, papaya, pink pineapple, potato, soybean, sugar beet, summer squash, and salmon
Insect Resistance to GMO Corn and Cotton BT Crops with Insect Protection
Food Behind Curtain – The Birth of GMO
Food Behind Curtain – Monsanto’s Attack
Glyphosate & GMOs Threaten The Human Race
Food Behind Curtain – Selenium
Food Behind Curtain – Magnesium
Jeffrey Smith: Testimony on GMOs – International Tribunal for Natural Justice
GMO corn-derived products:
artificial silk, batteries, brewing, candies, caramel coloring, cardboard packaging, cloth coloring, confections, cooking oils, cornmeal cereals, corn sugar, cornsilk, corn starch, corn syrup, cosmetics, crayons, dextrin, dietetic foods, drugs, elastic heels, erasers, explosives, feed to corn-fed animals, filler in paper, fireworks, food sauces, glue, gluten (cattle feed), glycerin, hemicellulose, high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS), ice cream, infant formulas, isosorbide applications, jellies, lactic acid, laundry starch, matches, medicinal oils, mixed table syrups, monoethylene glycol (MEG), mucilage, oil cake, paper goods, Penicillin, plastic (Isosorbide), plastic resin, refined corn oil, rubber substitutes, salad oils, shoe polishes, soap, soluble corn oil, tanning mixtures, textile sizing, vinegar, vitamin C, whiskey, yogurt, etc.
Learn more: Beef, dairy products, GMO, and Monsanto
Others avoid even organic
KOSA Acupuncture’s list
- Alcohol, Cinnamon, Garlic, Ginger, Ginseng, Jujube (Chinese date), Honey, and Anything sweet except for fruits because these are to promote inflammation.
- In our theory, sweet taste promotes inflammation, which means that even sweet fruits might cause inflammation.
If you suspect the vaccine has caused conditions.
Alcohol (processed with alcohol), Almonds, Brown rice, Brussels sprouts, Caffeine, Chewing gums, Chocolate, Millet, Oatmeal, Onions, Peanuts, Pecans, Sesame seeds, Soybeans, Split seeds, Sunflower seeds, Tomato, Walnuts, Wheat germ, and Whole-wheat bread
Contaminated food from China is now entering the U.S. under the ‘organic’ label
Olive oil is not healthy but unhealthy food
Doctor Says Microwaves Are Highly Toxic
Have You Discovered the Dirty Little Secret of Almonds?
Processed foods including canned and bottled, and even juice
Soda, any kind
Artificial sugar
Foods in the restaurant unless it is an organic restaurant
Chemically processed (bleached) salt
Lotions, shampoo, conditioners, and cosmetic products are made of usually toxic chemicals and can penetrate the skin.
Putting It on Your Skin Does Let It in What’s in Skin Care and How It Affects Your Health
“You can reduce your exposure to pesticides by up to 80 percent by buying the organic version of the Dirty Dozen,” Amy Rosenthal said.
The Dirty Dozen
Celery, Peaches, Strawberries, Apples, Domestic Blueberries, Nectarines, Sweet Bell Peppers, Spinach, Kale, Collard Greens, Cherries, Potatoes, Imported Grapes, and Lettuce
Not all non-organic fruits and vegetables have a high pesticide level.
Some produce has a strong outer layer that provides a defense against pesticide contamination.
The group found several non-organic fruits and vegetables dubbed the “Clean 15” that contained little to no pesticides.
The Clean Fifteen
Onions, Avocados, Sweet Corn, Pineapples, Mango, Sweet Peas, Asparagus, Kiwi Fruit, Cabbage, Eggplant, Cantaloupe, Watermelon, Grapefruit, Sweet Potatoes, and Sweet Onions
Vitamin D
- Vitamin D Myths Debunked
- https://rumble.com/v49c3vw-vitamin-d-myths-debunked-health-info-kosa-acupuncture.html?mref=i8tar&mc=dzsl7
Lectins may exert several effects, including interfering with both your gut microbiota and the absorption of nutrients in your gut, decreasing acid secretion, and increasing inflammation.
What is lectin? – YouTube video
Lectins are found in a variety of foods including:
- Beans, red kidney beans, eggplant, soybeans, lentils, chickpeas, and peas.
- All grains – especially wheat, rice, and corn and products made from these like bread and cake.
- Most types of fruit – especially goji berries, cherries, and blackberries (seasonal fruit is thought to be lower in lectins).
- Most types of vegetables – especially butternut squash, pumpkin, and ‘nightshade vegetables’ like peppers, tomatoes, aubergine, and potatoes.
- Peanuts (and peanut-based products).
- Dairy products.
- Oregano, parsley, peppermint nutmeg and spices
- Peeling and deseeding fruit and vegetables to reduce the lectin content.
- Buying fruit in season so these are eaten “at the peak of ripeness”.
- Choosing refined starchy carbohydrates over wholegrain versions.
Organs’ Functions – Liver, Gallbladder, and Kidneys (Bladders)
Link: https://rumble.com/v3v0hng-organs-functions-liver-gallbladder-and-kidneys.html?mref=i8tar&mc=dzsl7
Fear harms the kidneys and bladder, which are in charge of bones and marrow. Especially, the kidney is in charge of the reproductive organs.
Anger is the worst emotion that can hurt you and it will immediately damage the liver and gallbladder, which are in charge of muscles, sinews, eyeballs, and vision. Especially, the liver is additionally responsible for reproductive organs and is the master organ overseeing all other organs’ self-healing activities.
Link: https://rumble.com/v3u5lzg-kosa-shield-to-protect-your-liver.html?mref=i8tar&mc=dzsl7
- It harms the kidneys and bladder. When you are in a line to wait for something, walk in place instead of standing still.
Eat and drink as little amount and frequency as possible.
- You CAN lead a horse to water but you CAN’T make him drink
- https://rumble.com/v40eccm-how-much-water-do-we-need-to-drink.html?mref=i8tar&mc=dzsl7
Mammography screening
- You may want to avoid mammography screening
- https://rumble.com/v49ch95-the-promise-documentary-movie-about-the-harms-of-the-routine-breast-cancer-.html?mref=i8tar&mc=dzsl7
- IR (Infrared) Thermal Imaging Adaptor For Smartphone
Risks of Wireless Devices
- Bluetooth earphones, Bluetooth headphones, cellphones, electrical vehicles (EV), headphones, hybrid cars, smart meters, smartphones, smartwatches, WiFi computers, Wifi laptops, WiFi routers, WiFi tablets, wireless mice, wireless microphones, etc.
- https://rumble.com/v4sjspn-health-risks-associated-with-wireless-devices-rev.-2.html?mref=i8tar&mc=dzsl7
- Risks of Wireless Devices
Dispelling the Myths Surrounding Detox and Cleanse
- https://rumble.com/v4kilik-dispelling-the-myths-surrounding-detox-and-cleanse.html?mref=i8tar&mc=dzsl7
- Dispelling the Myths Surrounding Detox and Cleanse
Free-range, but unfree: the ugly truth behind cage-free eggs
- https://rumble.com/v56d5nm-apeels-organipeel-bill-gates-has-done-it-again.html?mref=i8tar&mc=dzsl7