
Hypertension Myths Debunked – Video Guide | KOSA Acupuncture in Tulsa OK

KOSA Acupuncture in Tulsa OK debunks “HYPERTENSION MYTHS”.

Hypertension is not a disease but a part of the self-healing mechanism. Thus, you may not want to lower your blood pressure artificially because it might confuse your body, and more importantly, your body may become vulnerable to other diseases.

Link: https://rumble.com/v3zufwa-hypertension-has-been-debunked.html?mref=i8tar&mc=dzsl7




Historical Perspectives on the Management of Hypertension


Systolic pressure (mmHg)

Diastolic pressure (mmHg)


Until 1949 210 100  
Until 1979, JNC1 160 100  

From 1979, JNC1

140 90 Different depending on the source
Disregarded 105
From 2003, JNC7 130 90  

From 2013, JNC8

150 90 60 yrs old or older
140 90 59 yrs old or younger

From 2017

130 80 Depending on Organization
140 80

Remark and Source:

Lowering the thresholds of high blood pressure has failed to improve people’s health.

On the contrary, people have been getting sicker at a higher rate.

Might lowering guidelines have created more patients?

Take a look at the below article from the American College of Cardiology about former President Franklin D. Roosevelt, which may convince you that our body is made to withstand up to 300/190 or even higher.

Roosevelt was documented as having hypertension at age 54 but did not receive treatment for another four years when he was prescribed phenobarbital and massage therapy for a blood pressure of 188/105 in 1941.
In February 1945, Roosevelt had recorded blood pressures up to 260/150 at the time of the Yalta Conference, where he was noted to be in failing health with evidence of heart failure, including shortness of breath, orthopnea, lethargy, and drowsiness.
On the morning of April 12, 1945, a blood pressure of 300/190 was recorded after Roosevelt reported a severe occipital headache while sitting for a portrait session. He subsequently lost consciousness and died.

Opinions on the Management of Hypertension


In 1931, John Hay, Professor of Medicine at Liverpool University, wrote that “there is some truth in the saying that the greatest danger to a man with a high blood pressure lies in its discovery because then some fool is certain to try and reduce it“. – Wikipedia

This view was echoed by the eminent US cardiologist Paul Dudley White in 1937, who suggested that “hypertension may be an important compensatory mechanism which should not be tampered with, even if we were certain that we could control it“. – Wikipedia

Charles Friedberg’s 1949 classic textbook “Diseases of the Heart”,[17] stated that “people with ‘mild benign’ hypertension … [defined as blood pressures up to levels of 210/100 mm Hg] … need not be treated“. – Wikipedia

Just because many people with good credentials say hypertension is dangerous it doesn’t have to be so.

Our body has amazing self-healing power.

In fact, KOSA Acupuncture understands that hypertension is not a disease but an indication of unhealthy organs (or the whole body) and it is proof that the heart is healthy enough to do its job of self-healing.

Debunking the Management of Hypertension


Blood Pressure Curve 24 Hrs

Myth #1 – Hypertension causes heart failure and heart attacks, an aneurysm, or an abnormal bulge in the wall of an artery that can burst, causing severe bleeding and, in some cases, death, kidney failure, stroke, amputation, hypertensive retinopathies in the eye, which can lead to blindness – MedicalNewsToday

  • Hypertension is the indication or reflection that your body is trying to fix health problems whether you have noticed them or not.
  • Unless pain or symptom is due to injury, even before it is noticed organs have already started to fix the problems, and of course, blood pressure will have to be raised to expedite the healing.
  • Even though you were perfectly healthy and your blood pressure was 120/80, having pain will raise your blood pressure because your body needs to fix the damage as soon as possible.
  • The kidney is a filter and when it becomes unhealthy (or clogged) the blood pressure has to go up because the heart’s job is to maintain the blood flow rate as needed.
    The more oxygen needed the higher blood flow rate shall be maintained and therefore, the blood pressure has to go up.
    If the blood pressure cannot go up to meet the demanding blood flow rate then, you will be in bigger trouble.
  • Once again, kidney failure and other conditions like the above are the cause of hypertension, not vice versa.
  • In conclusion, you will want to lower your blood pressure by fixing your kidney (for example, if the unhealthy kidney is the cause of hypertension) not by any other methods.
    When you try to lower your blood pressure by any other method than fixing your kidney, you will end up having more problems than ever before due to insufficient blood flow rate and so on.

Myth #2 – Systolic pressure of 180 mmHg is dangerous.

  • No, it is not. It is still deemed safe.
  • It’s normal for systolic blood pressure to rise to between 160 and 220 mm Hg during exercise.
    Thus, even with the above blood pressure, you just have to take rest.
    You need to take rest anyway when you are not healthy.

Myth #3 – Sodium increases blood pressure.

  • No, it doesn’t and at the same time, yes, it may because when you take too much sodium, of course, it will harm you.
    No matter how good it is, if you take it too much it is too much. Simply and again, too much is too much like drinking water. On the contrary, too little is too little.
  • Moore and her team took data from 2,632 men and women aged between 30 and 64 years, who were part of the Framingham Offspring Study – an offshoot of the Framingham Heart Study.
    All participants had normal blood pressure at the start of the trial.
    Over the 16-year follow-up period, the researchers observed that the participants who consumed under 2,500 milligrams of sodium each day had higher blood pressure than those who consumed higher quantities of sodium. – MedicalNewsToday
  • According to KOSA (Korean Orthodox Saahm Acupuncture)’s theory, salty taste is categorized as WATER, which is supposed to help the kidney, bladder, lungs, and large intestine.

Effectiveness of Hypertension Drugs

It is common that once you are on hypertension drug(s), it would be pretty much impossible to get off of it

  • because it is not to take care of root problems (or causes) but to manage the blood pressure only.
  • because with a lower blood flow rate than needed, the reversal would become more difficult or even impossible not to mention the chance of the other organ(s)’ getting unhealthy or unhealthier.
  • because, for example, although it is said that calcium channel blockers, also called calcium antagonists, relax and widen blood vessels by affecting the muscle cells in the arterial walls (www,drugs.com), not all blood vessels would be evenly relaxed and widened and blood vessels may not be the only body parts affected by calcium channel blockers.
  • because the dosage prescribed usually is more than needed and there is no way to make the dosage exactly the same as needed as our body has conditions continuously changing 24×7. The dosage your doctor prescribed is a guesswork and it cannot be accurate ever.

Side Effects of Hypertension Drugs


Side effects of lisinopril are described referring to the article at https://www.drugs.com/sfx/lisinopril-side-effects.html because lisinopril is the most popular hypertension drug according to www.drugs.com.

Please keep in mind the following though;

  • According to KOSA’s theory, the liver is in charge of muscles, ligaments, eyes, vision, anger, and reproductive organs in addition to conventional medicine thinks.
  • According to KOSA’s theory, the kidney (and bladder) is in charge of bones, marrows, spiritual energy, willpower, hearing, ears, fear, and reproductive organs in addition to conventional medicine thinks.

Also, don’t forget to refer to the below warning at www.drugs.com keeping in mind that conventional medicine doesn’t have the perfect tool to fully diagnose kidney and liver.

To make sure lisinopril is safe for you, tell your doctor if you have ever had:

    • kidney disease (or if you are on dialysis);
    • liver disease; or
    • high levels of potassium in your blood.

In addition to the above, please bear in mind that the terms Very Common, More Common, Less Common, Uncommon, Rare, and Very Rare mean nothing because nobody knows who will suffer the side effects even though the side effect is categorized as very rare. Once it hits you, you will have it even though it is categorized as a Very Rare case.

Lastly, not feeling any one of them doesn’t still mean it doesn’t harm you. There are people who didn’t notice any conditions until they are told they are with terminal cancer.

Please go have a look at the side effects of lisinopril at https://www.drugs.com/sfx/lisinopril-side-effects.html.

What You Need To Do To Lower Blood Pressure Naturally


Firstly, avoid anything that can and may harm your health.

Secondly, learn and do the right things to do.

Lastly, refer to KOSA Acupuncture’s blog posts.

Subscribe to our newsletter and share it with your friends so that you and we can help them better.


Important Note


Once the above are explained to patients of KOSA Acupuncture, they usually stop hypertension drugs immediately and their health conditions get improved faster.

Learn more about hypertension at the below articles;

Your body’s ability to heal is greater than anyone has permitted you to believe.

Listen to your body, which knows how to heal itself.

Numbers cannot tell you who you are.

KOSA Acupuncture, The Silver Bullet

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