Journey For A Better Quality Of Life – Day 2
KOSA Acupuncture has helped her drastically even above and beyond her needs, expectation, hope, and imagination in less than 24 hours. She wants to help other people who have been having financial, physical, emotional, mental, and intellectual difficulties and tell them that there is always a light at the end of the tunnel.
- Journal #2 After The Initial Treatment
- Registration Forms
- KOSA Acupuncture’s Understanding
- A Brief History of KOSA Acupuncture
- Important Notes
Journal #1 After The Initial Treatment
A female, 50 years old in age had suffered 100+ overlapping conditions including various pains for 4 decades. She had gone through three surgeries of thyroidectomy, gallbladder removal, and hysterectomy, which were not able to help her much at all. Her digestive system had been so bad that it could not tolerate any food with texture. She had suffered physical, emotional, and mental difficulties and almost lost her hope. With the first session of KOSA Acupuncture, she left with no pains and discomfort but hope and better eyesight. She has seen the end of the tunnel.
Testimonial #02 – Journey For A Better Quality Of Life, Day 2, Tx 2
Testimonial #01 – Journey For A Better Quality Of Life, Day 1, Tx 1
Her journal from her cellphone on Monday, March 14, 2022
* The followings are her text messages from her cellphone journal and have not been edited at all.
7:17 AM
Good morning Master Kim
I fell asleep last night at 7:30 pm – 10:30 pm woke up to urinate went right back to sleep. Woke at 2 to urinate was wide awake
I feel about achy but mostly in the neck and shoulder are.
No nausea stomach is settled not hungry or anything just calm
No bloating or discomfort in abdomen at all.
3:45 am bowel movement slow. Had to massage belly to get movement
4 baking soda
Fell back asleep around 4:30 woke up at 6:45
7 baking soda drink
7:30 fixed some oatmeal and added coconut oil
I notice this time I woke up I felt very fatigued so I’m going to try a few bites and take another nap if I can I will see you this afternoon
7:39 AM
I ate a little of the oatmeal and threw up.
But it wasn’t anything like before so I will put that away for now and if I feel hungry try something later.
12:41 PM
At 10 I got very hungry and had about a half cup of couscous.
I have kept it all down I feel so good.
No stomach discomfort at all
9:11 PM
I would like to share my journal entry with you.
If you would like to post it I am fine with that.
I was able to organize my thoughts so much better so I wanted to make an entry in addition to my daily log so that I don’t forget any of this experience
9:12 PM
From Hopeless to Hopeful in 2 days, My meeting with Master Kim
Even though I have been fully engaged in the activities of the last two days I am finding myself at a loss for words.
I have witnessed my own transformation and it has been remarkable and if I hadn’t lived it I might think that it is impossible.
I am learning that everything is possible even when you think all hope is lost.
For a little context at this point since Jan of 2021 I’ve lost over 100 lbs.
I lost the ability to keep any food down even throwing up liquids at times.
They removed my gallbladder and thyroid and I had been deteriorating at an increasingly aggressive rate.
This was my second stomach specialist that had just performed my 5th scope procedure in a year and still the only thing they could say is we have no idea what’s wrong during a visit with this stomach doctor 6 wks ago one of my physician care team members said to me, as I was standing in front of her crying and telling her how afraid I was that I would die soon, “There is no point in sending you to nutrition you will just throw up anyway.” and then she proceeded to tell me I had no choice but to take a medication that had given me severe psychosis in the past and had never worked.
I walked out of that appointment completely devastated and I started making my mind up that I would no longer struggle against this disease anymore I was tired of fighting and hope was lost.
It was a true breaking point for me.
My son who is 19 and has walked every step of the last two years with me said that’s it mama no more doctors we have to find another way.
We came up with a plan and he began looking at alternatives and said he met a woman that suggested acupuncture, so we began to look in our area and I happened to find Master Kim, when I saw his YouTube and blog I knew he was like no other out there and something told me that I must see him.
I called to schedule.
Imagine my surprise when Master Kim answered the phone.
I gave him a brief introduction and made the appointment for the next day.
An hour or so later he called back and asked me to go ahead and kick start my treatment with coconut oil and also baking soda and water drinks.
The next morning before my first appointment I had a bowel movement for the first time in 6 days and for the first time without laxatives in almost 2 years.
I was amazed.
I arrived at my appointment on Sunday (can you believe he came in to care for me on a Sunday) again I was speechless.
My First visit resulted in major improvements in eyesight – I was able to improve by 3 lines on the eye chart in one visit.
My brain fog was lifted.
My stomach was calm and at ease.
I slept over ten hours in 3 sleep cycles.
And today I only vomited 1 time and was able to keep down a half cup of couscous 1 strawberry and a half cup of vegan broth.
This in itself is a miracle.
I have not kept down an entire serving of any food in over a year.
I am nearly pain free, my mind is clear and calm and for the first time I have something I thought I would never see again and that is hope.
What Master Kim has done for me in the 48 hours since I met him has already changed my life in more ways that he will ever know and I am grateful and honored beyond measure that he has shared his beautiful gift of healing with me.
Stephanie H.
Age 50
On the road to recovery
Registration Forms
Fullscreen ModeFood For Thought About Her Conditions
The followings are possible treatments for her conditions.
TCM acupuncture (Traditional Chinese Medicine acupuncture) and TCM herbs (Traditional Chinese Medicine herbs);
- Every single condition of hers is challenging to them.
- The success rate even for a single disorder of them is low.
KOSA Acupuncture’s success rate is almost 100% on any condition. - Usually, it is not for cure or healing but for the management of symptoms.
- Nobody knows who will be enjoying the benefit of it.
- The era of TCM’s understanding and approach doesn’t fit the current need.
Most herbs were based on the recipes to deal with the conditions due to undernourishment, malnutrition, and insufficient nutrition.
Most current conditions are due to inflammation, which is quite opposite to the old era.
Therefore, Chinese herbs may even worsen the conditions.
Medicines, Surgeries, And Conventional Medicine;
- They treat a patient not as a living organism but a machine.
- They are not to cure or heal but to manage the symptoms only.
- Nobody knows who will be enjoying the benefit of it.
- The original root cause of that disorder doesn’t get rectified.
- There is a chance of side effects.
The side effects of it may force the patient to use additional medicine to deal with the side effects of the original one.
Even if the patient doesn’t notice any side effects of it, it still doesn’t necessarily mean that it is safe because it is too early for the patient to notice and the current diagnosis system is not perfect enough to diagnose everything.
Many people even including physicians and surgeons believe that conventional medicine’s diagnosis is perfect, which is not true. Those simple disorders of headache, migraine, and asthma are pretty much incurable to conventional medicine. There was a male patient, a senior in high school who had upper back pain so severe that he was missing school frequently. All the diagnoses done by conventional medicine could not come up with a conclusive explanation of his pain. His doctor told his mother that he was not supposed to have any pain. Therefore, his mother was even thinking that he must have been lying to her saying he was sick because he didn’t want to go to school. Of course, he was frustrated that his mother didn’t believe him when he told her about his pain. KOSA Acupuncture alleviated his pain drastically even during the initial visit.
The followings were the improvements.
- He had not missed school ever since he started to get treatments by KOSA Acupuncture.
- His attitude changed for the better.
- He started to complete the homework, which he didn’t use to.
KOSA Acupuncture’s Understanding Her Conditions
In general, her unhealthy liver since she was young was not properly diagnosed and treated.
All treatments she had gone through were just trying to scratch the tip of the iceberg while her liver had kept getting unhealthier every day for 4 decades.
My book, ‘The Silver Bullet, KOSA – NeedleLess Acupuncture‘ does describe how to treat asthma. Nonetheless, there are so many variations of pains that how to treat pain is generally described.
In our theory, the liver is in charge of muscle, tendon, ligaments, sinews, vision, eyeballs, nails, emotion of anger, reproductive organs, etc.
Thus, there is a good chance that people with many symptoms like her have overlapping conditions of acid reflux, ADHD, Alzheimer’s disease, anxiety, auditory processing disorder, bipolar, blurred vision, bronchitis, cancer, cataract, constipation, dementia, diabetes, diabetic neuropathy, dyslexia, erectile dysfunction, fibromyalgia, food allergies, GERD, glaucoma, headaches, high cholesterol, insomnia, irregular menstruation, learning disability, low libido, migraines, painful menstruation, plantar fasciitis, PMS, pollen allergies, scoliosis, stroke, urinary incontinence, vitamin D deficiency, and thousand s of other conditions.
KOSA Acupuncture is the only acupuncture in the world that treats root problems (or responsible unhealthy organs).
Healthier organs treat pretty much all overlapping conditions including excruciating pains, at once.
We are very much proud that the success rate is almost 100% in any conditions combined.
A Brief History of KOSA Acupuncture
Even though acupuncture has thousands of years of history, nobody knew how to utilize the theory (Yin, Yang, and Five Elements).
Saahm (A Korean Ascetic’s pen name) invented formulas approx. 400 years ago and he completed the theory.
Unfortunately, it was lost until the Great Great Master Rhee discovered Saahm’s book in early 1950s and he studied, treat patients, and taught apprentices.
The Great Great Master Rhee taught The Great Master Kim (my father) who completed the predecessors’ great work and proved that the thesis is not just a thesis but a great unrivaled healing system.
Learn more: About KOSA Acupuncture
Conditions treated by KOSA Acupuncture:
A journey from a patient to an acupuncture Master with KOSA Acupuncture
Purchase Master Kim’s Book, ‘The Silver Bullet, KOSA – NeedleLess Acupuncture‘
Be An Acupuncture Master Trained By Master Kim:
Patient’s Journey To Acupuncture Master – Video | KOSA Acupuncture
Important Notes
Our body’s self-healing power is very powerful.
It is the patient’s job to eliminate the root causes by following KOSA Acupuncture’s suggestions.
We walk patients through so that they can easily change their lifestyles.
This will expedite the healing progress.
It is our job to educate patients with true information and treat all responsible organs so that we treat all conditions at once.
Read More: Everything About Food And Health
Nevertheless, each condition would show different improvements in progress.
KOSA Acupuncture’s persistent goal is to lose patients ASAP.
Patients become so healthy that they don’t have to take drugs (or medicines) and see any medical practitioners anymore.
We have successfully achieved this goal with a very high success rate.
Our patients have nothing to lose other than pains, discomforts, drugs, and excessive weight.
Your body’s ability to heal is greater than anyone has permitted you to believe.
Listen to your body, which knows how to heal itself.
Numbers on the test cannot judge if you are a patient or not.