Rheumatoid arthritis might be able to be treated much easier than most people think, especially to KOSA Acupuncture. One of KOSA Acupuncture’s problems is that it is too good to be true. Learning KOSA is just like learning how to ride bicycles.
Rheumatoid Arthritis Testimonial
Food For Thought About Rheumatoid Arthritis
A Brief History of KOSA Acupuncture
Rheumatoid Arthritis Testimonial
An apprentice of mine told me another success story.
My patient came in with very severe knuckles pains on the middle finger and ring finger due to rheumatoid arthritis.
All knuckles were swollen so bad that she was not able to bend them.
It was her first visit.I treated her responsible organs of bladder, pericardium, triple energizer, kidney, bladder, gallbladder, and liver for her rheumatoid arthritis as Master Kim taught me.
When she was leaving the clinic, there was no pain whatsoever.
It was a surprisingly pleasant experience for me considering the knowledge and experience acquired through my acupuncture college education.
I am very happy that I learned KOSA because I could not have done that with other types of acupuncture.
Thank you, Master Kim.
I am very happy and pleased to keep hearing her work done well every time.
We are blessed to bless.
Food For Thought About Rheumatoid Arthritis
KOSA Acupuncture understands that rheumatoid arthritis is due to unhealthy kidneys.
In our theory, kidneys are in charge of bone, marrow, hairs, spiritual energy, willpower, ears, hearing, fear, reproductive organs, and so on.
Thus, there is a good chance that people with rheumatoid arthritis have overlapping conditions of tinnitus, UTI, impaired hearing, hair loss, PTSD, panic disorder, and hundreds of other conditions.
KOSA Acupuncture is the only acupuncture in the world that treats responsible unhealthy organs so that they become healthy back enough to treat pretty much all sorts of diseases including excruciating pains, all at once.
We are very much proud that the success rate is almost 100% in any conditions combined.
A Brief History of KOSA Acupuncture
Even though acupuncture has thousands of years of history, nobody knew how to utilize the theory (Yin, Yang, and Five Elements).
Saahm (A Korean Ascetic’s pen name) invented formulas approx. 400 years ago and he completed the theory.
Unfortunately, it was lost until the Great Great Master Rhee discovered Saahm’s book in early 1950s and he studied, treat patients, and taught apprentices.
The Great Great Master Rhee taught The Great Master Kim (my father) who completed the predecessors’ great work and proved that the thesis is not just a thesis but a great unrivaled healing system.
Learn more: About KOSA Acupuncture
Additional Testimonials: https://saahm.net/testimonials/
Conditions treated by KOSA Acupuncture: https://saahm.net/conditions/
A journey from a patient to an acupuncture Master with KOSA Acupuncture
Purchase Master Kim’s Book, ‘The Silver Bullet, KOSA – NeedleLess Acupuncture’: https://saahm.net/book/
Be An Acupuncture Master Trained By Master Kim: https://saahm.net/tutoring/
정통사암오행침구학회: https://ochim.com/
Patient’s Journey To Acupuncture Master – Video | KOSA Acupuncture
Important Notes
Our body’s self-healing power is very powerful.
It is the patient’s job to eliminate the root causes by following KOSA Acupuncture’s suggestions.
We walk patients through so that they can easily change their lifestyles.
This will expedite the healing progress.
It is our job to educate patients with true information and treat all responsible organs so that we treat all conditions at once.
Read More: Everything About Food And Health
Nevertheless, each condition would show different improvements in progress.
KOSA Acupuncture’s persistent goal is to lose patients ASAP.
Patients become so healthy that they don’t have to take drugs (or medicines) and see any medical practitioners anymore.
We have successfully achieved this goal with a very high success rate.
Our patients have nothing to lose other than pains, discomforts, drugs, and excessive weight.
Your body’s ability to heal is greater than anyone has permitted you to believe.
Listen to your body, which knows how to heal itself.
Numbers on the test cannot judge if you are a patient or not.