Satisfaction Guaranteed By KOSA Acupuncture as below.
– Applied for the initial visit only.
– The patient shall notify KOSA Acupuncture before the treatment commences that he or she is challenging our claim, SATISFACTION GUARANTEED
– The above treatment includes, but is not limited to filling out forms and consultation.
– Satisfaction is considered achieved once the patient acknowledges improvement in at least one condition.
– Appointment only.
– While KOSA (Korean Orthodox Saahm Acupuncture) remains a powerful and effective treatment for adverse reactions to COVID-19 vaccinations, there are some individuals who may not experience the full effectiveness of KOSA treatment in these cases.
As a result, if your primary condition is related to adverse reactions from COVID-19 vaccinations, the “Satisfaction Guaranteed” policy will not apply.
– To book an appointment ⇒ Book an Appointment with KOSA Acupuncture in Tulsa OK
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A Brief History of KOSA Acupuncture
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Even though acupuncture has thousands of years of history, nobody knew how to utilize the theory (Yin, Yang, and Five Elements).
Saahm (A Korean Ascetic’s pen name) invented formulas approx. 400 years ago and he completed the theory.
Unfortunately, it was lost until the Great Great Master Rhee discovered Saahm’s book in early 1950s and he studied, treat patients, and taught apprentices.
The Great Great Master Rhee taught The Great Master Kim (my father) who completed the predecessors’ great work and proved that the thesis is not just a thesis but a great unrivaled healing system.
Learn more: About KOSA Acupuncture
Conditions treated by KOSA Acupuncture:
A journey from a patient to an acupuncture Master with KOSA Acupuncture
Purchase Master Kim’s Book, ‘The Silver Bullet, KOSA – NeedleLess Acupuncture‘
Be An Acupuncture Master Trained By Master Kim:
Patient’s Journey To Acupuncture Master – Video | KOSA Acupuncture
Your body’s ability to heal is greater than anyone has permitted you to believe.
Listen to your body, which knows how to heal itself.
Numbers on the test cannot judge if you are a patient or not.